Surname Distribution in England

The most comprehensive source for mapping the distribution of surnames is Stephen Archer's Surname Atlas CD which uses data from the 1881 census for England, Wales & Scotland. The maps below are generated from this CD.

Distribution of SHETTLE by County (75 matches). There were 211 matches for SHUTTLE.

Distribution of SHUTTLE by County (211 matches).  

Combined Distribution of Shuttle,Shettle & variants by Poor Law Union. Total 293. Highest Number (black) was 23 in Newbury, 9 in Kingclere (106 per 100k), 16 in Hungerford (90 per 100k), followed by 14 Rugby (52 per 100k)

Main cluster of the surnames around Hungerford and Newbury Registration Districts.

In parish registers on the IGI, there were earlier occurrences in Norfolk and around Southampton, as well as those in Berks & Wilts.